
Victor Zeiser

Managing Partner, Squeak Lights, LLC

“在我与十大电子游艺平台首选的积极经验之后,我写信推荐他们为你们的下一个项目. 在整个项目中,我很欣赏他们的沟通水平. 我从来没有对正在发生的任何事情感到黑暗,他们总是加倍努力,以确保我明白当时发生了什么. Any roadblock we encountered along the way they swiftly handled. The finished build quality is amazing, 他们真的帮助我得到了我的业务有效运作所需要的东西, and my partners and I love the space they created for us. 我将来会再次使用它们,并强烈推荐给任何正在考虑使用它们的人.“

肖恩P. Coughlin, P.E.

Senior Project Manager, Moretrench

这是十大电子游艺平台首选和莫伦奇合作的第二个成功项目, and surely not the last. Fenton helped us complete our shop building safely, on time, and on budget. You met all project deadlines: from submittals, to permit drawings, to delivery and installation of the pre-engineered metal building. 你们的现场主管知识渊博,并与我们的商店经理协调,尽量减少对我们商店运作的干扰. As with any construction project, we encountered some unplanned obstacles, and Fenton helped us overcome them swiftly and economically. I would be pleased to recommend Fenton to any prospective client.”

罗伯特。米. Toedter, PLS, PE, MASCE

总统 & Principal Engineer, RT Consulting & Engineer公司.

“十大电子游艺平台首选已经证明,它是少数几个结合了巴特勒建筑组织和外部分包商的卓越品质和关注的公司之一, coupled with unparalleled construction management leadership, to deliver great projects. We would recommend the Fenton Construction Co.公司. without qualification or hesitation.”

Sean Yentsch

Senior Regional Facilities Manager, Penske Truck Leasing

“贵公司在整个过程中都以专业的态度处理了这个项目. Your project superintendent did an impeccable job. 他就现场问题与我的办公室保持着持续的十大电子游艺网站排行,并简化了协调工作,这是一项宝贵的服务. 我还赞扬您在整个项目过程中与Penske的预算限制和时间表合作,使设施取得成功.”

Jonathan P. 麦芽汁

Building Committee Chairman, Valley View Chapel

“At the very beginning of the project, Fenton在设计/建造方法方面的专业知识降低了项目的总体成本,并使教堂甚至可以考虑建造该设施. Once underway, 在整个建造过程中,您为教堂发现了许多节省成本的机会,并提供了一些重要的材料升级,从而产生了一个壮观的美丽设施-所有这些都在预算范围内. 就我个人而言, 在我从事大型工业设施建设的24年中,我与许多承包商合作过, and Fenton is among the best. Your attention to detail, 积极解决问题的能力,使所有相关方(尤其是客户)满意, 坚定不移的承诺,使十大电子游艺平台首选成为一家高品质的建筑公司. 很明显,在整个项目中,你非常关心人们的安全,以及每个人的价值和特殊性……Valley View Chapel对新设施非常满意,并欣赏它的美丽外观, how well it operates, and how functional it is. 谢谢你,迈克和你所有的员工,让教会的愿景成为现实.”

Ron Pinard

Facility Manager, NanoOpto Corporation

“I found the Fenton trades to be efficient, very competent, 并且在不影响相邻洁净室生产过程的前提下工作. The project was managed on schedule and on budget. Furthermore, the trades were a pleasure to work with and courteous.”


总统, Captive Plastics

“It was a smooth-running professional job from start to finish. The job was on time and within budget. The manpower used, the subcontractors and equipment were all excellent. The 工作人员 at Fenton was very accessible to us at all times. We feel we made the right decision with the Butler Building. Thank you for a job well done.”

Joseph Boniakowski

Managing Partner, New Evergreen Development

“The project was brought in on time, within budget and with minimal stress, 这让我们在整个过程中都能专注于经营我们的业务. 您所做的工作的最大证明是我们收到的对我们大楼的无数赞美. 我们对结果感到非常满意,无法感谢你们使我们的梦想成为现实.”

Leland Stanford

Owner, Leland C. Stanford, LLC

“把地壳的一块空着的地方改造成一个有目的的环境,让人类在其中工作和互动,是一种特殊的才能, certainly one that Fenton Construction specializes at, 事实上. The combined experience and the depth of your team brought a project to life, one that I envisioned many years ago. 我们觉得你们的团队掌握了控制权,直到项目完成的最后一刻才放手. 非常感谢您每天对细节的承诺,其中许多是无法预见的. We will certainly entrust our next project with Fenton.”

Ken Karle, AIA, P.E.

Chairman Building & Grounds, Hawthorne Gospel Church

“完工的建筑因其实用性而不断受到称赞, 亮度, 和美丽. The ability to run a major construction project on the basis of trust, 友谊, and love is a breath of fresh air in a difficult industry.”

James Whitely

总统, Trustee, Summit Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

“我要赞扬十大电子游艺平台首选的优秀合同工作关系. First and foremost was the completion of the project on time and on budget. 在办公室或工作中与你的人沟通总是专业和亲切的. We were impressed with your accuracy in the execution of the project. 你组织得很好,对我们的需求和出现的问题都很包容, as they always do, during construction. 我只想说,我们的项目主管对最终产品非常满意.”


Timothy Christian School

“在今天的设计-建造建筑市场上,满足进度和掌握财务预算的情况并不多见. We are pleased to say that Fenton Construction Co.公司. accomplished both of these very important goals for us. 从镇政府官员到学校董事会成员都参与其中, 工作人员, 学生, and parents are thoroughly happy with the job done by Fenton.”

Donna Bednarczyk

Christ Episcopal Church, Budd Lake

“We recognize that without your endurance, the building would not be here. All your extra efforts on our behalf are deeply appreciated. Our new church is truly a blessing. It is more magnificent than we ever imagined it would be.”

James Wood

Owner, Skylands Ice World

这个独特的项目提出了具有挑战性的障碍,十大电子游艺平台首选系统地克服了这些障碍. 十大电子游艺平台首选出色地在三个月的时间内完成了大部分工作,以满足紧迫的时间表并保持必要的开业日期.我发现十大电子游艺平台首选的员工非常专业、可靠、周到. Their expertise and attention to detail helped ensure a quality job was done. 特别感谢你的现场领班还有你,迈克,谢谢你的参与. It was a pleasure to work with such a dependable and honest contractor. I would highly recommend Fenton Construction Co.公司. 毫无保留地,期待在不久的将来再次与他们合作. “

Jack Guttenplan

Guttenplan’s Frozen Dough Specialists

“我想对十大电子游艺平台首选每个人处理这个项目的方式表示感谢. 整个项目的专业管理使我很高兴与贵组织合作.”
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